
The night the ghost got in powerpoint
The night the ghost got in powerpoint

Since he has nowhere else to go he decides to go into the castle. When he is searching to try and find a way out he sees a mysterious castle.

the night the ghost got in powerpoint

Geronimo Stilton, the main character, is on his way home from his sisters house when he gets lost in the woods. But Geronimo seems to be se This is a great fictional book written by Elisabetta Dami. After a while he finds iut his sister has been playing tricks on him. As a couple nights go by Geronimo seems to be being haunted by Curlypaw Cannycat's ghost. This is a great fictional book written by Elisabetta Dami. When I got back down to my room I constantly thought about fairies and unicorns and rainbows till I fell asleep and I was fine. My mom figured out I was hearing things so she told me to think about happy things. I got an actual shiver up my spine which I have to admit was a pretty cool experience. Sure enough I heard the same eerie ghost noise in moving from the hallway to in my room and back again. I went back to bed and lay still listening for the sound again. I got shivers up my spine and I was terrified! I ran up stairs and was freaking out like crazy. My mind was playing tricks on me and I actually heard a ghost going: oooOOoooo! In my bedroom and out side in the hallway. A month later when I was lying in bed at night thinking about this book I started to hear something. I read it in grade four and it really freaked me out. I went back to bed and lay still li Haha.

the night the ghost got in powerpoint

My mom told me It was probably just the pipes.

The night the ghost got in powerpoint